Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

AMD type socket 462 (sokcetA)

Socket 462 (Socket A)
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Socket 462 (also called Socket A) is a PGA socket designed for AMD K7 family of processors. This socket can be used with AMD Athlon and Duron processors ranging in speed from 600 MHz to 2200 MHz (3200+) and with bus frequences ranging from 100 MHz to 200 MHz (400 MHz DDR). For a full list of supported processors please see below.

Picture of Socket 462

Socket A has 462 pin holes (hence the name "Socket 462") with 11 pluged pin holes. Socket dimensions are 5.59 cm (5.24 cm without lever) x 6.55 cm or 2.2" (2.06" without lever) x 2.58", which is almost the same as Socket 7/Super Socket 7.

Supported processors

All processors in the table below will physically fit into the socket, but not all of them are supported by all motherboards. If you're upgrading an old computer system please make sure that the CPU is compatible with your motherboard. Please see "Upgrading socket A motherboards" section below for information on how to determine what microprocessors can be supported by your motherboard. #[Table]

Desktop processors
CPU Family Frequency The fastest CPU(s)
Athlon (Socket A) 600 MHz - 1400 MHz A1400AMS3C
Athlon MP 1000 MHz - 2133 MHz
1500+ - 2800+ Athlon MP 2800+
Athlon XP 1333 MHz - 2333 MHz
1500+ - 3200+ Athlon XP 3200+ AXDA3200DKV4E
Athlon XP 3200+ AXDA3200DKV4D
Duron 550 MHz - 1800 MHz Duron 1800 DHD1800DLV1C
Sempron (socket A) 1500 MHz - 2200 MHz
2200+ - 3300+ Sempron 3000+
Sempron 3300+

Mobile/Embedded processors
CPU Family Frequency The fastest CPU(s)
Mobile Athlon 4 850 MHz - 1400 MHz Mobile Athlon 4 1600+
Geode NX 667 MHz - 1400 MHz
1250+ - 1750+ ANXS1750FXC3F
Mobile Athlon XP-M (Socket A) 1200 MHz - 2200 MHz
1400+ - 3000+ Mobile Athlon XP-M 3000+
Mobile Duron 650 MHz - 1200 MHz DHM1200AQQ1B

Athlon 64, 64 X2, 64 FX, Sempron 64, Sempron X2, Opteron and Phenom processors use different type of socket. There are no Intel or VIA processors compatible with this socket.

Compatible sockets


Compatible package types

453-pin package - bottom view

453-pin ceramic Pin Grid Array (PGA) package
453-pin organic PGA.

The picture on the right shows the bottom view of the 453-pin package that fits into the Socket A (462).

Upgrading socket A motherboards

While you can fit many socket 462 processors into your motherboard, not all of them may be supported by the board. To determine what processors are supported you'll need to:

* Determine manufacturer and model of your motherboard,
* Search on manufacturer's website for the motherboard model.

To determine upgrade options for brand name computers (like Dell or HP) try to search for computer model on computer manufacturer website.

For upgrade information for ASUS, DFI, ECS, Gigabyte Technology, Jetway, MSI and PC Chips motherboards please check CPU-Upgrade motherboard database.

Processor Installation

For processor installation please look at your motherboard manual or download installation instructions from AMD website.
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Comments: 41
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2009-01-07 12:15:55
Posted by: Ronald

I have the mentioned ASUS motherboard. Manual says it supports upto 2.25 GHZ. What is the fastest processor that I can use. I do not mind to underclock the processor. It might even save some heat and the actual performance degradation might not be that big.

See article about this.
clockiing at 66% of maximum speed and lower voltage saved 66 % heat.

This way you can create a nice quiet media pc for a little money

Sorry but could not add the complete link for who might be interested. just simply add www

Asrock K7S41GX and XP 3200+ Barton (Socket A)
2008-06-26 08:51:41
Posted by: Bryan

Thanks to some great advice from this website, I upgraded my Sempron 2500 to an Athlon XP 3200+ Barton core (AXDA3200DKV4D). However, in order to get the 3200+ to run at the correct speed I had to mildly overclock the mobo. In most of my research I found that Asrock socket A boards (with a few exceptions) only support a 333FSB, and not every BIOS supports the 3200+. I grabbed the latest BIOS from the manufacturer's website and it worked, although not at the right clock speed (1750 MHz). To get the 2.2 GHz you are supposed to get, you have to increase the system clock from 166 MHz to 200 MHz in order to get the required 400 FSB for the 3200+, and this is done in BIOS by setting the system frequency to manual. Bottom line: Yes you can run a 3200+ on most Asrock Socket A mobos with the right BIOS, and you must gently overclock. The performance increase in my case was quite evident, and I've had no issues regarding the O/C. I hope this helps some of you with older boards.
Upgrading from a AMD Athlon XP 3100+ to and AMD Athlon 64 X2
2008-04-20 10:59:39
Posted by: Orlando

I have a computer that has and an AMD Athlon XP 3100+. The processor has Socket AM2 or Socket A. I want to upgrade it to an AMD Athlon 64 X2. It says this processor is Socket AMs or Socket A. Will it work if I upgrade my processor?
Response: You cannot upgrade socket A motherboards to Athlon 64 or Athlon 64 X2 processors.
best upgrade
2008-03-13 06:48:38
Posted by: mememe

I have a amd athlon xp 2200+ and i want to upgrade my pc ? Can you tell me which is the fastest cpu for socket A ??? I heard that amd athlon xp 3200+ is the fastest , but it runs on 2200 mhz , hmm my processor if i overclock it , it runs at 2.0ghz so what is the difference of those 200 mhz between the overcloked proc and the un-overclocked one. Please answer, and sorry for my bad english .
Response: The fastest socket A CPU is Athlon XP 3200+. Whether or not it is supported depends on your motherboard make and model.
What should i pick?
2008-03-12 05:32:30
Posted by: Enzio

I have motherboard called ASUS A7V8X. The main website say that i can upgrade prossesors to AMD Athlon XP 3000+ and Sempron 3000+. Just now i using Athlon XP 1500+. So, I need to know, which is fastest? Athlon XP 3000+ or Sempron 3000+???
Response: Athlon XP 3000+ is faster than Sempron 3000+
Sempron 3300 vs. Athlon XP 3200+
2008-03-03 03:45:22
Posted by: Keith Indorf

Is there a difference between these two processors? Also, would an end user notice the improvement from and Athlon XP 2700+ (Thoroughbred Core)? Thank you for your time.
Response: The difference is only in family name and rating. The difference between 3200+ and 2700+ would be very small - 10% on average.
Will a Socket A processor work in an AM2 or AM3 motherboard?
2008-02-25 22:29:59
Posted by: planktonium

I have a Sempron 2600 processor. Will it fit in an AM2 or AM3 board, and if so, will it work just as well?

Response: No, socket A processors don't work in socket AM2/AM3 motherboards.
RE: What Processors fit
2008-02-06 12:00:34
Posted by: wes

some processsors that are not listed in your motherboard manual will work after upgrading the bios. so check your motherboard builder's site for bios upgrades and upgrade the bios before installing the new cpu.
UNTILL REPAIRED (pre-flashed bios chip replacement or boot block recovery flash)
my experience with over 100+ bios flashes
is 3 that I had to replace the bios chip
and 12~15 that I could recover with boot block or hot flashing)
2008-01-25 08:47:55
Posted by: Adian

Which is faster, an Athlon 1 Ghz processor (FSB 100) or a Duron 1.3 Ghz?
Response: Duron 1.3 GHz should be faster than the Athlon 1 GHz, especially in applications that use SSE instructions.
2008-01-20 06:49:18
Posted by: bewin

I currently have a Duron 1300Mhz CPU and want to upgrade to either a socket 462 Sempron 2800+ or an Athlon 2600+ as these have approx the same speed rating. Do Semprons have any disadvantages? What's the best choice?
Response: Athlon XP 2600+ should be slightly faster than Sempron 2800+.
socket 462 motherboard
2008-01-11 23:40:02
Posted by: cris

amd athlon 2400+ can only work on socket 462 motherboards?
Response: Yes, it can only work in socket 462 (same as Socket A) motherboards.
I need to know....
2007-12-26 01:35:48
Posted by: Josh

Is it safe to overclock Duron Socket 462 CPU?
Response: It's safe if you don't overclock it much (a few percent) and don't increase core voltage beyond recommended values.

2007-12-25 19:46:25
Posted by: blah

Do the low power consumption models Athlon SFF (and XP SFF) CPUs fit on socket-A motherboards????? The early press releases said they would have thier own special socket?????

Also what are the performance differences(if any) between the SFF CPUs and the standard Athlon CPUs????
Response: They fit socket A boards. Performance should be comparable to Athlon XP Palomino CPUs.

2007-12-20 16:59:36
Posted by: Jet

i have a AMD Sempron 2300+ getting a AMD Athlon XP 3200+ what kind of performance increase should i see
Response: On average it'll be about 20% - 30% faster, up to 50% in some applications.
2007-12-19 19:38:30
Posted by: Jerry

I have a Sempron 2500+ If I upgrade to Athlon xp 2000 will I notice much improvement? I have an MSI KM4AM-V motherboard with 333FSB and 1GB Ram
Response: You won't notice any improvement at all. Athlon XP 2000+ is slower than Sempron 2500+.
cpu upgrade
2007-12-11 22:57:45
Posted by: Thomas

Hello, ive got a Athlon 1.2 Ghz cpu running in an Asrock K7VM3 MB.According to Asrock site I can go up to Athlon XP 3000+ 333Mhz. What kind of performance increase should I expect.

Response: It will be more than twice faster
2007-12-11 16:58:32
Posted by: Anas

Hi, i have a Gigabyte GA-7ZX-1 motherboard and since i have a rev.1.0, i cant use athlon xp processors on this, i was wondering if there were any athlon non xp processors with SEE intructions.
Response: Duron Morgan processors (part number DHDxxxx) support SSE
GeodeNX and 1700+ T-bredB
2007-12-10 13:10:55
Posted by: Thomsonicus

Hi. My question is about the Geode processors based on the T-bredB core and actual AthlonXPs. It is said that Geodes could run fanless up to 1000mhz which could not be said of my Athlon 1700+DLT3C JUIHB running 1000mhz at 1.13V<
is the GeodeNX a close relative of the 1700+ or were there any other major changes?
Response: Geode NX are the same as low-voltage mobile Athlon XP-M processors, i.e. they have Athlon XP features + low voltage + PowerNow!
Socket A 462
2007-12-09 16:02:31
Posted by: Everett

Can you still buy a mother board that will support the AMD 1.33 462 pin?
Response: You may find these motherboards in small computer shops (if you're lucky), or on sites like eBay.
Duron 700
2007-10-28 13:51:52
Posted by: Adrian

What is the fastest socket A processor with 100 FSB?
Response: Athlon 1400 - A1400AMS3B
2007-10-08 05:22:17
Posted by: Jeremiah

dont know my processor 32 bit or 64 bit
my processor name AMD ATHLON XP 1800+ can anyone help me
Response: Athlon XP processors do not support 64-bit mode.
Most powerfull Socket A processor
2007-10-02 09:55:34
Posted by: Arphetic

I was wondering what the most powerfull processor would be that fits on Socket A.

If needed: I have an Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe Motherboard
Response: Athlon XP 3200+ AXDA3200DKV4E
2007-09-20 09:51:56
Posted by: DA DRUW


Response: There are no socket A processors with SSE2 instructions. Please post other question in the forum.
asus A7n8x-e motherboard
2007-09-05 13:03:11
Posted by: Scott

I have a Amd xp3000 with 333fsb(running at 2250mhz).I have 2x500mb ddr 3200 memory running dual channel(i believe 4 to 5 ratio).How much difference would there be going to a xp3200+ with a 400fsb?Would the memory speed match make a difference or does the ratio take make that a non factor?Also I have seen Amd made some sempron 3300+,seems to be just like the Barton 3200+.Its not listed for my board but wouldnt it work?Would it be worth getting compared to the barton 3200+.Thanks for any input.Scott
Response: In my opinion it's not worth it. Athlon XP 3200+ is expensive, if you switch to it performance increase will be less than 5%
2007-08-30 17:52:12
Posted by: José

Are there any 64-Bit processors that use Socket A?
Response: No, there are no 64-bit processors for this socket.
amd xp 3200+ i'm a noob
2007-08-17 02:25:55
Posted by: Geoff

can i put a 400fsb proceesor in a 333fsb motherboard ?
Response: You can, but the processor will run at 83% of its intented speed

2007-08-14 10:16:41
Posted by: Eduardo

How much the performance is improved switching my athlon xp 1800+ by an athlon xp 2400+, on a asus a7s333 mb?


Response: On average you can expect about 15% - 20% performance improvement.
amd athon 2600 vs. amd athon 3000
2007-08-04 22:58:08
Posted by: mike

I have an amd athlon 2600 processor my board will support up to the amd athlon 3000. Would it be worth it trying to up grade. I already maxed out my memory 2gig of pc2700
Response: Average performance difference between 2600+ and 3000+ is less than 10% - you may not even notice it.
AMD Duron upgrade to AMD Athlon
2007-07-04 18:14:01
Posted by: Bradley Kirwan

Hi I am thinking about buying an AMD Athlon 1700+ Socket A/462 with a bus frequency of 133MHZ. I currently have an AMD Duron 900MHZ Socket A/462 with a bus frequency of 100MHZ. MY mobo has a jumper setting for bus frequency 100MHZ/133MHZ. If I bought the processor, installed it and then changed the jumper setting for Bus Frequency to 133MHZ, would my process be fully working?

AMD Duron upgrade to AMD Athlon
Response: Not necessary. Athlon XP has newer core which may not be supported by your board.
which is faster
2007-06-26 22:24:17
Posted by: 2-tall-1

I have 2 diffrent asus boards a7v600 and a7n8x-e deluxe I also have a number of proccesors I wanted to know your thought which is better 2600+xp or 3000+ sempron
thanks 2-tall-1
Response: Sempron 3000+ is slightly faster than the Athlon XP 2600+.
what is the fastest skt462 cpu
2007-06-16 23:16:34
Posted by: Bruno C.

of this three processors
1-AthlonXP 3200+ 2.2ghz,
2-Sempron 3300+ 2.2ghz and
3-AthlonXp 3200+ 2.33ghz
tell what is the most faster of them and the most slow too. please. thanks

Response: Athlon XP 3200+ 2.2GHz has exactly the same performance as Sempron 3300+. In different applications the Athlon XP 3200+ 2.33 GHz may be faster or slower than the Athlon XP 3200+ 2.2 GHz.
What CPU prt2
2007-05-21 13:04:26
Posted by: John

Is the
AMD Sempron 3000 64Bit Socket 754 CPU 333 FSB Operational Frequency 1.8GHz
as good as
ATHLON XP 3000+ WITH 333 MHz FSB..


Response: Athlon XP 3000+/333 MHz FSB is slightly (a few percent) faster.
cpu upgrade
2007-04-04 07:41:12
Posted by: mat

i currentley have a xp 2500+ cpu and i was wondering if a xp +3200 would make much difference??
Response: Athlon XP 3200+ will be on average 15% - 20% faster.
2800+ Sempron
2007-03-13 15:18:03
Posted by: Dave H.

Looking to upgrade to an Athlon XP 3200+, wondering if there was a performance gap worth the swap. ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe.
Response: It'll be about 15% - 20% faster. You may consider upgrading other system components (memory, video) instead of CPU upgrade.
Asus A7V8X-X
2007-03-13 11:43:01
Posted by: Lemi667

Can I upgrade to Athlon XP 3200+ (motherboard supports 333MHz fsb)? Can I expect much better performance then with my AMD Sempron 2400+?
Response: You can upgrade to Athlon XP 3000+. It'd be on average 20% - 30% faster than your current Sempron.
AMD Athlon XP
2007-03-11 16:29:18
Posted by: shane

AMD website doesnt show the amd athlon xp family, is this an old family that is no longer supported?

My Shuttle AN35N Ultra will handle an Athlon XP 3200+. If these are no longer made, do you know if my m/board will support a different AMD class?

Response: Athlon XPs are no longer produced. Your board may support Semprons, though the fastest Sempron 3000+ is as fast as XP 2700+
asrock k7s8x
2007-02-19 19:55:41
Posted by: john thompson

i currently have an xp2200 on an asrock k7s8x could i replace it with a xp3200 and would i see much difference in performance thanks for any advice.
Response: On average it will be about 20 - 30% faster.
2007-01-17 07:10:30
Posted by: Rogerio Miranda

Can you tell me what motherboards have socket 462, except Asrock? Thanks
Response: Too many to list. Here are a few well known ones: Abit, Aopen, ASUS, ECS, GigaByte, MSI, Tyan, Shuttle, FIC, Soyo
2007-01-16 02:19:02
Posted by: Damian

What is the best Socket 462 (Socket A) processor?

Response: The fastest is Athlon XP 3200+. If you're looking to upgrade to it make sure your motherboard supports it.
socket 462
2006-12-14 15:48:43
Posted by: Poland

Hi,I've got a problem: I've shuttle ak32a. What's a socket ? i've got 462, so that's socket A ? I'm from Poland, sorry =]
Response: Yes, it a socket A.
What Processors fit
2006-12-08 19:55:21
Posted by: Fernando

as long as processor as 462 pin socket A, will it fit where a 46ZZIF socket A 133MHz goes?
Response: Every socket A processor will fit, but not every one will work. Check your motherboard manual if it's compatible with the CPU
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Last modified: 3 Aug 2009

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